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In a bustling corner of Amsterdam in 2013, two spirited sisters embarked on a delicious journey that would take them far and wide. Gebrouwen door Vrouwen, lovingly translated as “Brewed by Women,” began as a humble hobby with a mere 35-liter pan and a passion for brewing. Leaving their jobs behind and embracing a path of trial and error – these sisters confidently stepped into the craft beer world. Fast forward to today, they’ve mastered the art of brewing, and the result is nothing less than magical.
In the Vegan Heroes line-up, you can find the timeless Bloesem Blond, a 6.2% blonde beer infused with elderflower, where with each sip, the floral aroma and bright taste transport you to the heart of spring. And for those moments when you crave a touch of sweetness and freshness their Gin Weizen is here to captivate your taste buds. This 6.0% beauty is a harmonious blend of barley, wheat, and spelled malt. But that’s not all! Gebrouwen Door Vrouwen also boasts a line-up of seasonal delights which we are excited to share with you. In summer, quench your thirst with Misty Mango, a hazy New England IPA bursting with tropical fruitiness. When fall arrives, you can enjoy the warm flavors of Pumpkin Party Amber Ale – complete with cinnamon, star anise, and nutmeg.
Vegan Heroes is proud to support these remarkable women and their flavorful brews. Come savor every sip, as you explore the journey of Gebrouwen door Vrouwen, where passion and craft collide to create unforgettable beers.
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